Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Your cashfood recipe

To perform your economic life you have to resolve the classic dilemma : for savings or for investment.
Mainly because consumption is an absolute need to life.

The problem is that classic gestures were not reconciled and you need to make possible a practical tailored gesture to the three economic motives at a time. While running for a target you have to put away the other two.

So you need a daily helper to improve your economic safisfaction. Because with your own webcashmotor you personalize money parcels for your own cashfood recipe. Your finantial fastfood for your economic wellbeing.

You got the cash-sharing-cash into Economy 4G3W. And you got the solution by the money datevaluation practice.

Because each parcel of your personalized money contains :

1 Consumption satisfaction with your parcel of cash multiplier;
1 Savings satisfaction with your Owndated Webquantum asset ;
1 Investment satisfaction with your webcashmatic plusvalues result.

How would you call this parcel of your personalized money ?

No matter if you prefer to call it your Finantial-Sandwich, your Cashfood-Asset or your Packet Multiplicator of Treasury.

Because it is web powered and you have not to pay attention. Just you Google Search your personalized money for a complete flashed position of your live-savings. Googledepending it is enough, because with your creation you done the solution.